Thursday, January 28, 2010

Aku dan Saya

Aku temenan sama si A, A temenan baik sama B. B punya sahabat sejak kuliah, namanya si C. Aku baru dapet tulisan dari pacar aku, karena bagus aku share ke A. Aku ngasih ke si A, A ngasih ke B dan bilang dapet dari aku. B ngasih ke si C dan bilang, "Saya dapet dari si aku,aku sayang sama saya"

*image from here

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

ate those papers, I don't give a sh*t!

Before you red the entire words, please do notice that I do RESPECT any kind of job/work/position. This one sentiment goes (ONLY) to my office colleague, a secretary.

Hey young lady, what's the point with putting the high tone on me for saying, "Makanya jangan sok tau.. kalo ga tau tuh jangan sok sok pengen ngerjain sendiri.. nanya deh!" ????????

You're talking like you were here, in the office all day long and help us here for the printer things! FYI,we do it all by ourselves when you're not around, when you're sleeping in your bed and WE'RE STILL WORKING AFTER THE OFFICE HOUR. We can CHANGE those papers alone!

and please do remember and give a note about you're ignoring me when I said to you : Mbak, aku mau fotokopi ya. You just sit there playing with your mobile phone with the facebook and all YM boxes in front of your face. In a time you just finished playing with your phone, you're coming in and found me sitting on the floor, looking for 2 size of papers and ready to put it in to the printers, and without asking me first, you just said those words in a high tone.

Snap snap young lady. let me ask you one question before you're talking to me : WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN THE OFFICE HOUR? WHAT IS YOUR JOB? APA SIIHH YANG ELO KERJAIN?? zzzzz

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Permen Bika

"Kok kamu bisa bilang begitu?"


"Iyaa.. kenapa kamu bilang aku mencuri permen di toko itu? siapa yang bilang sama kamu?? siapa yang menghasut kamu?" Bika menahan nafas sembari mengopek-ngopek kuku-nya, detak jantungnya berdegup lebih kencang dari biasanya.

"No one told me, cara kamu memberi aku banyak permen belakangan ini melebihi kemampuan kamu, dan aku tau, aku merasakannya" Tia menghempaskan bungkusan permen berwarna merah muda.

Senyum bika merekah sedikit. "Aku kira ada orang yang tidak suka sama hubungan kita, dan berusaha menghasut kamu kemudian bercerita kalau aku memang suka mencuri permen sedari kecil"

Tia termangu, tidak menyangka bahwa Bika-nya memang suka mencuri permen dan ketakutan Bika bukan karena ketauan mencuri, tapi ketakutan ada yang menghasut Tia untuk memutuskan hubungannya gara-gara Bika suka mencuri permen. Bika menghela nafas lega kemudian menggandeng Tia dan berjalan seperti biasa.

Perkenalkan, Namanya Bika. Hobinya mencuri permen,menghasut dan mengadu domba. Permen dicuri untuk mengobati rasa sedihnya, menghasut dan mengadu domba dilakukan atas nama kesenangan karena menurutnya melihat orang lain terjatuh-terduduk-terdiam-tidak percaya atas apa yang baru saja diceritakan dan terdengar nyata itu sangat menyenangkan. Menyenangkan dalam kamus Bika adalah mengemut permen manis dan menceritakan khayalannya ke orang lain hingga orang itu percaya dan merasa bahwa cerita Bika itu benar adanya.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I dreamt you

It's weird. This is not the first time of me dreaming and you were there, right exact in front of my eyes. But last nite was very clear. You were coming into my house, my mom let you eat and take a nap in our guest room. And next day (still on my dream) I find you uploading your photos on my house in your facebook, with tag of location: Sazki's house. No no.. you aren't added me as your 'virtual' friend but yes you were typing my name, also You're trying to talk to me and then we're having a lil conversation, as if we have no problem at all.

what's the point?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Birthday Wishlist

I have two things which bothered me since the first time I saw them.

So why don't you guys, my lovely friends give me these, so I won't feel bothered anymore. More special when you gave me these 2 things tomorrow :D (it's my birthday) LoL

(Nintendo DS LL)

(Canon PowerShot G10)

Yeah... Give me these 2 cool things than I'll be happy embracing my quarter century of life.. =)
Thank You