Tuesday, August 18, 2009

recent bitches

girl 1 :
love to likes her own status (dumb)
feel pretty with dark nail polish (her fingers are SHORT)
a rock star chaser (D'oohhhh)

girl 2 :
love to be a typo girl (or just doesn't know the right words -doble for double, steak for drum stick, etc)
feel pretty with her fake smile
doesn't know anything but feel blessed (stupid)

girl 3 :
has 1 child but feel like a virgin
jealous with her husband popularity
has 1 good smile with a lot of poison inside her mouth (geezzzzz....SCARY!!)

My pop used to say about people in this whole world. After met a lot type of people, now I got 3 more..and as my journey continue, I'm pretty sure about meeting with these kind of bitches later.. >:D

Sunday, August 16, 2009

be S M A R T

lain kali kalo mau ngitung lamanya perjalanan, yang pinter. klo berangkat jam 5 dari kota A itu memakan waktu 7-8 jam ke kota C. jadi klo lo nungguin juga emang bakal jamuran dan udah bubaran tuh kawinan, walaupun laki lo ga mampir dulu ke kota B.

lagian tuh rombongan mampir ke kota B bukannya iseng atau ngapain. supirnya butuh makan woi.. butuh istirahat. Mau yah kecelakaan mobilnya gara2 supirnya capek?? HERAN!!!

trus ada 2 orang yang harus turun di kota B. lo bukannya kerja di perusahaan internasional ya? Gak pernah di ajarin bounding antara anggota?? jadi toleransi antar anggota harus di gedein, bukannya egois ngikutin kemauan elo yang bikin suami elo jadi keliatan jelek di mata temen-temennya.

gw capek nih denger elo ngeluh.. kasian suami elo. tadinya gw pikir lo cewek cantik yang pinter. ternyata dong dooonng... tidak beda dengan wanita otak kosong lainnya. trus buat suami, lo pake otak lo dong. lo bisa kan ngajarin istri elo untuk ga berbuat bodoh?? gak malu apa lo sama keadaan keluarga elo. elo kepala keluarganya, sudah sepantasnya elo ngajarin dia untuk menjadi wanita yang benar jalan pikirannya, bukannya jadi istri tukang ngeluh abis gitu pake acara kabur kalo mau main ama temennya, gak peduli punya anak bayi dan suaminya mau kerja. HERAN DEH!!

helll-oooww.. it's two thousands and nineeee... saatnya menjadi seseorang yg bangga dengan kemampuan dirinya bukan bangga jadi orang rempong-tidak manis dan manja.

Friday, August 14, 2009

choke on

next time you come and just wanna sleep around, Pls tell...

I will choke on my sleeping pill too.. So I won't bothered!

a big NO for MAN to the JA

bah! manja kali kau...
pernah diajarin berdiri di atas kaki sendiri ga?
klo suami lo meninggal gimana?
mau nangis di kuburan berharap dia bangun dan bantuin hidup lo? PLS!!!

lovely nickname

I hate a woman who doesn't understood what her mate doing for life, then goes jealous and does uncool act. So I wrote :

"I swear, once I become someone's wife and a mother, I won't bother my husband's job. If he has to go for 3 months or more, I will stay with our kids and waiting.. and of course do some tasks by myself when my husband is not around. -This is one lesson I learnt from my beloved mom, who never complain when my pop isn't around because he had to work for us-"

bla bla blaaa.. and then I found something. I got mad and wrote :

"if you don't want to cooperate with us then just get out.. it's EASY.. as easy as you're saying 'sampai kapan ini kan berubah'... we're not treating you like an animal, we're working like a dog here. oh and also we ...do spent SO MUCH MONEY for you and it's not balance with those amounts that you made. SO WATCH YOUR MOUTH!!"

Then I realize, both side got their own mistake. Permanent. There's nothing I can do to find the undo button so everything will go more easy.

oh I know, the easier thing is make a perfect nick name for them >:D